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October shopping app design
October shopping app
October is an original Accessories company,
In this project need to design App for they
and create wireframe and interaction model
using Figma and finally user testing using Maze.
Modify the model based on the test results
Brainstorm - Information Architecture:
October their main audience is 16-35 years old, I created a complete user personal, user scene, empathy map and journey map for their company, to understand their user's thoughts, actions, moods, and their opportunities, in addition to creating a flow chart.
Design - Style Guide:
This time I used Figma from the first version of the wireframe. I designed a total of 21 pages of wireframes including home page, product overview page, product categories, single page product page, shopping cart, checkout flow page, personal information page, and also created wish lists, coupons page, online customer service, browse history of orders, and other pages, which are based on the user's journey map and the use of the flowchart to add, implement the app functionality required by the user to provide a better user experience. After that, I started searching and adding product images and content, aligning them with Grid features, changing my wireframes to high quality, adding interactive features to make all the buttons work, changing pages, adding animations, and etc.
Design - Wireframe:
After completing the Brainstorm information architecture, before developing the website. We need to design a Style Guide for the company, which includes designing the logo, colors, fonts, buttons, wireframes, and mockups.
Testing and modification:
For this project, I asked for a user test using "Maze", and I prepared 6 tasks which included, browsing products, finding online customer service, opening a wish list, deleting items from the shopping bag, completing the checkout process, viewing the order history and finally giving me feedback!